Compassion Virtual Run 2020

Project image

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9 sponsored children out of 28
32 %
524 families helped during covid pandemic out of 586
89 %

project has ended

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About the project


Description en français ci-dessous / Descrizione in italiano alla fine.

Zusammen noch stärker: Stell dir für einen Moment vor... Tausende Menschen, die sich auf der ganzen Welt, in ein und derselben Woche in Bewegung setzen. Der Global Compassion Run findet zum ersten Mal vom 7. bis 11. November in mehreren Ländern als Reaktion auf die durch die Covid-19-Krise verursachte Zunahme der extremen Armut statt.

Du bist passioniert im Sport? Fast alle üblichen Rennen wurden in dieser Saison abgesagt. Am Compassion Virtual Run kannst du dir sicher sein, trotzdem an einem internationalen Event eine nützliche sportliche Leistung erbracht zu haben.

Sport ist mühsam für dich? Du brauchst keinen Marathon zu laufen. Jede/r kann sich selbst eine realistische Distanz überlegen.

Disziplin? Du kannst biken, rennen, wandern, schwimmen, segeln, Dreirad fahren. Alles ist erlaubt - Hauptsache Bewegung.


1. Setz dir ein eigenes Fundraising-Ziel.
2. Definiere eine Distanz und deine Disziplin im Feld "Motivation".
3. Bitte deine Familie, Nachbarschaft und Bekannten dein Engagement zu unterstützen.
4. Wenn du Fragen hast, schreibe an



Plus forts ensemble! Imagine un instant… des personnes qui se mobilisent par milliers dans le monde entier, au cours d’une et même semaine pour faire une différence contre l’extrême pauvreté. Le Compassion Virtual Run aura lieu pour la première fois du 7 au 11 novembre prochain dans plusieurs pays, en réponse à l’augmentation de l’extrême pauvreté provoquée par la crise du Covid-19.

Tu es passionné(e) de sport: une grande majorité de courses ont été annulées cette année. Le Compassion Virtual Run te donne l’occasion de participer à un événement international, avec la satisfaction d’avoir réalisé une performance sportive utile.

Le sport, c’est moins ton truc: Il n’est pas nécessaire de participer à un marathon. Chacun peut déterminer une distance réaliste pour elle/lui. Il est aussi possible de participer en famille.

Quels sports: Tu peux courir, marcher, pédaler, nager, etc. Toutes les activités physiques sont les bienvenues.


1. Définis un objectif de récolte de fonds.
2. Choisis ta distance et ta discipline (et indique les dans le champs "motivation personnelle").
3. Informe tes proches, collègues, voisins et amis de ton engagement et demande leur de le soutenir.
4. Pour toute question, contactes-nous à :



Più forti insieme! Immagina un istante…. Persone che si mobilitano a migliaia in tutto il mondo, nel corso della stessa settimana per fare la differenza contro la povertà estrema. La Compassion Global Virtual Run si svolgerà per la prima volta dal 7 all’11 novembre in diversi paesi, in risposta all’aumento della povertà estrema provocata dalla crisi di Covid-19.

Sei appassionato di sport: la maggior parte delle gare sono state annullate quest’anno. La Compassion Global Virtual Run ti dà l’occasione di partecipare a un evento internazionale, con la soddisfazione di realizzare una prestazione sportiva utile per le persone più nel bisogno.

Lo sport non fa molto per te: non è necessario correre una maratona. Ognuno può determinare una distanza realistica per se stesso e le proprie possibilità.

Che tipo di sport ? Puoi camminare, correre, pedalare, nuotare, fare escursioni, navigare, andare anche in triciclo, TUTTO È PERMESSO! La cosa più importante è l’esercizio fisico in favore della causa.


1. Fissa un obiettivo di raccolta fondi.
2. Scegli la distanza e la disciplina (e inseriscile nel campo "motivazione personale").
3. Informa la tua famiglia, i colleghi, i vicini e gli amici del tuo impegno e chiedo loro di sostenerlo.
4. Se hai domande, contattaci a:

Impact so far

Impact image Breneli was sponsored by Amira 4 years ago
Impact image Jassiel was sponsored by Nael 4 years ago
Impact image 5 families helped during covid pandemic by Regula 4 years ago
Impact image 2 families helped during covid pandemic by Céline 4 years ago
Impact image Giovanni supported this project 4 years ago
Impact image 5 families helped during covid pandemic by Irina 4 years ago
Impact image 6 families helped during covid pandemic by Creajardin 4 years ago
Impact image 1 family helped during covid pandemic by Corinne und Erich 4 years ago
Impact image 1 family helped during covid pandemic by Nivedita 4 years ago
Impact image 2 families helped during covid pandemic by Andrea 4 years ago
Impact image 1 family helped during covid pandemic by Loredana 4 years ago
Impact image 17 families helped during covid pandemic by Ruth 4 years ago
Impact image 1 family helped during covid pandemic by Ruth 4 years ago
Impact image Diamileth was sponsored by Marlies 4 years ago
Impact image Jocelyne supported this project 4 years ago
Impact image 3 families helped during covid pandemic by Doris 4 years ago
Impact image 5 families helped during covid pandemic by Hedwig 4 years ago
Impact image 10 families helped during covid pandemic by Daniel et Nelly 4 years ago
Impact image 10 families helped during covid pandemic by Daniel und Mariette 4 years ago
Impact image 1 family helped during covid pandemic by Etleva 4 years ago
Impact image 5 families helped during covid pandemic by Prisca 4 years ago
Impact image Damaris supported this project 4 years ago
Impact image 1 family helped during covid pandemic by Gabriella 4 years ago
Impact image 1 family helped during covid pandemic by Gabriella 4 years ago
Impact image 1 family helped during covid pandemic by Gabriella 4 years ago
Impact image 1 family helped during covid pandemic by Elena 4 years ago
Impact image 3 families helped during covid pandemic by Stefan 4 years ago
Impact image Jasmin supported this project 4 years ago
Impact image 2 families helped during covid pandemic by Andrea 4 years ago
Impact image Emanuela supported this project 4 years ago
Impact image 12 families helped during covid pandemic by 4 years ago
Impact image 3 families helped during covid pandemic by Juliana 4 years ago
Impact image 1 family helped during covid pandemic by Yanick 4 years ago
Impact image 5 families helped during covid pandemic by Jérôme 4 years ago
Impact image Susanna supported this project 4 years ago
Impact image Susanna supported this project 4 years ago
Impact image 1 family helped during covid pandemic by Susanna 4 years ago
Impact image 5 families helped during covid pandemic by Annarös und Ursus 4 years ago
Impact image Joram was sponsored by Alexander, Irene, Hannah, Emma und Malte 4 years ago
Impact image 1 family helped during covid pandemic by Nadja 4 years ago
Impact image 1 family helped during covid pandemic by Rosmarie 4 years ago
Impact image 1 family helped during covid pandemic by Barbara 4 years ago
Impact image 5 families helped during covid pandemic by Linda 4 years ago
Impact image 1 family helped during covid pandemic by Friedhelm 4 years ago
Impact image 5 families helped during covid pandemic by Silvia 4 years ago
Impact image Theo supported this project 4 years ago
Impact image 2 families helped during covid pandemic by Sibylle 4 years ago
Impact image 5 families helped during covid pandemic by Andrée 4 years ago
Impact image 10 families helped during covid pandemic by Jean-Luc 4 years ago
Impact image 1 family helped during covid pandemic by Adrian und Ulrike 4 years ago
Impact image 3 families helped during covid pandemic by Cédric et Sandrine 4 years ago
Impact image Natanael was sponsored by Andrée 4 years ago
Impact image Chelsea was sponsored by Andrée 4 years ago
Impact image Filomena was sponsored by Andrée 4 years ago
Impact image 5 families helped during covid pandemic by Kathrin 4 years ago
Impact image 1 family helped during covid pandemic by Ivan und Susanne 4 years ago
Impact image 2 families helped during covid pandemic by Calum 4 years ago
Impact image 7 families helped during covid pandemic by Roland 4 years ago
Impact image 2 families helped during covid pandemic by Isabelle 4 years ago
Impact image 5 families helped during covid pandemic by Michaela 4 years ago
Impact image Brenda was sponsored by Kathia 4 years ago
Impact image 1 family helped during covid pandemic by Gisela 4 years ago
Impact image 1 family helped during covid pandemic by Cynthia 4 years ago
Impact image 1 family helped during covid pandemic by Marjorie 4 years ago
Impact image 1 family helped during covid pandemic by Michaela 4 years ago
Impact image 3 families helped during covid pandemic by Rachel 4 years ago
Impact image 2 families helped during covid pandemic by Simon und Agnes 4 years ago
Impact image 5 families helped during covid pandemic by Annerösli und Beat 4 years ago
Impact image 1 family helped during covid pandemic by Claudia 4 years ago
Impact image 5 families helped during covid pandemic by Andrea 4 years ago
Impact image 1 family helped during covid pandemic by Nadja 4 years ago
Impact image 2 families helped during covid pandemic by Jocelyne 4 years ago
Impact image 1 family helped during covid pandemic by Micha und Minjoo 4 years ago
Impact image 1 family helped during covid pandemic by Micha und Minjoo 4 years ago
Impact image 1 family helped during covid pandemic by Ralf und Heike 4 years ago
Impact image 1 family helped during covid pandemic by Myriam et David 4 years ago
Impact image 3 families helped during covid pandemic by Kathia 4 years ago
Impact image 1 family helped during covid pandemic by Andrea 4 years ago
Impact image 1 family helped during covid pandemic by Rebecca 4 years ago
Impact image 1 family helped during covid pandemic by Laure 4 years ago
Impact image 5 families helped during covid pandemic by Thomas und Seraina 4 years ago
Impact image 2 families helped during covid pandemic by Sarah 4 years ago
Impact image 1 family helped during covid pandemic by Sara 4 years ago
Impact image 5 families helped during covid pandemic by Martin 4 years ago
Impact image 1 family helped during covid pandemic by Olivia 4 years ago
Impact image 1 family helped during covid pandemic by Olivia 4 years ago
Impact image 3 families helped during covid pandemic by Nicole 4 years ago
Impact image 1 family helped during covid pandemic by Michaela 4 years ago
Impact image 1 family helped during covid pandemic by Angelica 4 years ago
Impact image 1 family helped during covid pandemic by Jonas 4 years ago
Impact image 5 families helped during covid pandemic by Didier et Mary 4 years ago
Impact image 3 families helped during covid pandemic by Annerösli und Beat 4 years ago
Impact image 1 family helped during covid pandemic by Patrick 4 years ago
Impact image 3 families helped during covid pandemic by Maria 4 years ago
Impact image 2 families helped during covid pandemic by Eric 4 years ago
Impact image 1 family helped during covid pandemic by Manuela 4 years ago
Impact image 1 family helped during covid pandemic by Joana 4 years ago
Impact image 1 family helped during covid pandemic by Anna Lena 4 years ago
Impact image 2 families helped during covid pandemic by Noémie 4 years ago
Impact image 1 family helped during covid pandemic by Nathalie 4 years ago
Impact image 1 family helped during covid pandemic by Tosca 4 years ago
Impact image 5 families helped during covid pandemic by Sigrid 4 years ago
Impact image 3 families helped during covid pandemic by Stephan 4 years ago
Impact image 2 families helped during covid pandemic by Manuela 4 years ago
Impact image 1 family helped during covid pandemic by Daniel und Brigitte 4 years ago
Impact image 3 families helped during covid pandemic by Fabian 4 years ago
Impact image 1 family helped during covid pandemic by Jacqueline 4 years ago
Impact image 5 families helped during covid pandemic by Micha 4 years ago
Impact image 3 families helped during covid pandemic by Annemarie und Andreas 4 years ago
Impact image 1 family helped during covid pandemic by Deborah 4 years ago
Impact image 1 family helped during covid pandemic by John 4 years ago
Impact image 1 family helped during covid pandemic by Regula 4 years ago
Impact image 1 family helped during covid pandemic by Daniel 4 years ago
Impact image Matthew supported this project 4 years ago
Impact image 1 family helped during covid pandemic by Noémie 4 years ago
Impact image 2 families helped during covid pandemic by Christina 4 years ago
Impact image 1 family helped during covid pandemic by Mélanie 4 years ago
Impact image 1 family helped during covid pandemic by Dorinha 4 years ago
Impact image 1 family helped during covid pandemic by Serge 4 years ago
Impact image 1 family helped during covid pandemic by Emilie 4 years ago
Impact image 1 family helped during covid pandemic by Pascal et Rebecca 4 years ago
Impact image 1 family helped during covid pandemic by Pascal et Rebecca 4 years ago
Impact image 2 families helped during covid pandemic by Françoise 4 years ago
Impact image 2 families helped during covid pandemic by Françoise 4 years ago
Impact image 1 family helped during covid pandemic by Benoît 4 years ago
Impact image 1 family helped during covid pandemic by Alexandre 4 years ago
Impact image 7 families helped during covid pandemic by Liliane 4 years ago
Impact image 1 family helped during covid pandemic by Isabelle 4 years ago
Impact image 5 families helped during covid pandemic by Laurent 4 years ago
Impact image 1 family helped during covid pandemic by Sarah 4 years ago
Impact image Marianne supported this project 4 years ago
Impact image 3 families helped during covid pandemic by Aude 4 years ago
Impact image 3 families helped during covid pandemic by Benjamin 4 years ago
Impact image 1 family helped during covid pandemic by Jonathan 4 years ago
Impact image 5 families helped during covid pandemic by Sibylle 4 years ago
Impact image 5 families helped during covid pandemic by Sibylle 4 years ago
Impact image 1 family helped during covid pandemic by Déborah 4 years ago
Impact image 3 families helped during covid pandemic by Annerösli und Beat 4 years ago
Impact image 3 families helped during covid pandemic by Annerösli und Beat 4 years ago
Impact image 3 families helped during covid pandemic by Annerösli und Beat 4 years ago
Impact image 3 families helped during covid pandemic by Annerösli und Beat 4 years ago
Impact image 5 families helped during covid pandemic by Dan et Carine 4 years ago
Impact image 3 families helped during covid pandemic by Isaline 4 years ago
Impact image 1 family helped during covid pandemic by Walter 4 years ago
Impact image 5 families helped during covid pandemic by Amélie 4 years ago
Impact image 5 families helped during covid pandemic by Sigrid 4 years ago
Impact image Anna Lena supported this project 4 years ago
Impact image 5 families helped during covid pandemic by Locherschmuck GmbH 4 years ago
Impact image 3 families helped during covid pandemic by Detlef 4 years ago
Impact image 1 family helped during covid pandemic by Melanie 4 years ago
Impact image 3 families helped during covid pandemic by Anne-Claude 4 years ago
Impact image 1 family helped during covid pandemic by Manuel 4 years ago
Impact image 3 families helped during covid pandemic by Jean-François et Claudine 4 years ago
Impact image 5 families helped during covid pandemic by David et Adrienne 4 years ago
Impact image 2 families helped during covid pandemic by Christian 4 years ago
Impact image 1 family helped during covid pandemic by Jonas 4 years ago
Impact image 2 families helped during covid pandemic by Silvia 4 years ago
Impact image 1 family helped during covid pandemic by Laurence 4 years ago
Impact image 2 families helped during covid pandemic by Raphaela 4 years ago
Impact image 3 families helped during covid pandemic by Elias 4 years ago
Impact image 1 family helped during covid pandemic by Daniela 4 years ago
Impact image 3 families helped during covid pandemic by Damaris 4 years ago
Impact image 1 family helped during covid pandemic by Jonas 4 years ago
Impact image 1 family helped during covid pandemic by Christoph und Luan 4 years ago
Impact image 1 family helped during covid pandemic by Sascha 4 years ago
Impact image 1 family helped during covid pandemic by Rebekka und Josia 4 years ago
Impact image 3 families helped during covid pandemic by Urs 4 years ago
Impact image 2 families helped during covid pandemic by Rahel und Christoph 4 years ago
Impact image 1 family helped during covid pandemic by Stefan 4 years ago
Impact image Jürg und Giuliana supported this project 4 years ago
Impact image 7 families helped during covid pandemic by Fritz und Marianne 4 years ago
Impact image 2 families helped during covid pandemic by Daniel 4 years ago
Impact image 1 family helped during covid pandemic by Silvia 4 years ago
Impact image 1 family helped during covid pandemic by Liliana 4 years ago
Impact image 1 family helped during covid pandemic by Janine 4 years ago
Impact image 1 family helped during covid pandemic by Silvia 4 years ago
Impact image 1 family helped during covid pandemic by Kurt 4 years ago
Impact image 1 family helped during covid pandemic by Manuel 4 years ago
Impact image Monica supported this project 4 years ago
Impact image 1 family helped during covid pandemic by Susanna 4 years ago
Impact image 1 family helped during covid pandemic by Susanna 4 years ago
Impact image Polash was sponsored by Susanna 4 years ago
Impact image 3 families helped during covid pandemic by Rudolf und Rita 4 years ago
Impact image 1 family helped during covid pandemic by Martin und Sandra 4 years ago
Impact image 1 family helped during covid pandemic by Brigitte 4 years ago
Impact image 1 family helped during covid pandemic by ramSIX 4 years ago
Impact image 1 family helped during covid pandemic by ramSIX 4 years ago
Impact image 6 families helped during covid pandemic by Roland 4 years ago
Impact image 1 family helped during covid pandemic by Jenny 4 years ago
Impact image 1 family helped during covid pandemic by Damaris 4 years ago
Impact image 1 family helped during covid pandemic by Claudia 4 years ago
Impact image 3 families helped during covid pandemic by Annette 4 years ago
Impact image 3 families helped during covid pandemic by Chantal 4 years ago
Impact image 1 family helped during covid pandemic by Marlene 4 years ago
Impact image 1 family helped during covid pandemic by Sandra 4 years ago
Impact image 3 families helped during covid pandemic by Carole 4 years ago
Impact image 2 families helped during covid pandemic by Barbara 4 years ago
Impact image Olivier supported this project 4 years ago
Impact image 3 families helped during covid pandemic by Christian 4 years ago
Impact image Laura supported this project 4 years ago
Impact image Mirko supported this project 4 years ago
Impact image Laura supported this project 4 years ago
Impact image Gaël supported this project 4 years ago
Impact image 1 family helped during covid pandemic by Catherine 4 years ago
Impact image 1 family helped during covid pandemic by Christian 4 years ago
Impact image 3 families helped during covid pandemic by Marlène 4 years ago
Impact image 1 family helped during covid pandemic by Thierry 4 years ago
Impact image 3 families helped during covid pandemic by Sylvie et Clément 4 years ago
Impact image 3 families helped during covid pandemic by Damaris 4 years ago
Impact image 3 families helped during covid pandemic by Christina und Fritz 4 years ago
Impact image 7 families helped during covid pandemic by Christina und Fritz 4 years ago
Impact image 1 family helped during covid pandemic by Martina 4 years ago
Impact image 5 families helped during covid pandemic by Katrin 4 years ago
Impact image 2 families helped during covid pandemic by Johannes 4 years ago
Impact image 10 families helped during covid pandemic by Mie 4 years ago
Impact image 3 families helped during covid pandemic by Markus und Theres 4 years ago
Impact image 5 families helped during covid pandemic by André 4 years ago
Impact image 3 families helped during covid pandemic by Martin 4 years ago
Impact image 3 families helped during covid pandemic by David 4 years ago
Impact image 3 families helped during covid pandemic by David 4 years ago
Impact image 3 families helped during covid pandemic by Mirjam 4 years ago
Impact image 1 family helped during covid pandemic by Nadia 4 years ago
Impact image 1 family helped during covid pandemic by Sabrina 4 years ago



31 families helped during covid pandemic out of 20
155 %
Participant image


10 families helped during covid pandemic out of 5
200 %
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1 families helped during covid pandemic out of 3
33 %
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1 families helped during covid pandemic out of 2
50 %
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4 families helped during covid pandemic out of 2
200 %
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Anna Lena

3 families helped during covid pandemic out of 3
100 %
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14 families helped during covid pandemic out of 3
466 %
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3 families helped during covid pandemic out of 1
300 %
Participant image


7 families helped during covid pandemic out of 5
140 %

Christina und Fritz

41 families helped during covid pandemic out of 25
164 %

Christoph und Luan

58 families helped during covid pandemic out of 7
828 %
Participant image


2 sponsored children out of 4
50 %
7 families helped during covid pandemic out of 10
70 %
Participant image


5 sponsored children out of 8
62 %
118 families helped during covid pandemic out of 85
138 %
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12 families helped during covid pandemic out of 10
120 %

Daniel und Mariette

15 families helped during covid pandemic out of 10
150 %
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7 families helped during covid pandemic out of 2
350 %
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2 families helped during covid pandemic out of 2
100 %
Participant image


1 families helped during covid pandemic out of 3
33 %
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3 families helped during covid pandemic out of 2
150 %
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2 families helped during covid pandemic out of 2
100 %
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0 sponsored child out of 1
0 %
2 families helped during covid pandemic out of 3
66 %
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2 families helped during covid pandemic out of 1
200 %
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0 sponsored child out of 1
0 %
1 families helped during covid pandemic out of 3
33 %
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28 families helped during covid pandemic out of 10
280 %
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9 families helped during covid pandemic out of 5
180 %


0 sponsored child out of 2
0 %
18 families helped during covid pandemic out of 200
9 %
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3 families helped during covid pandemic out of 3
100 %
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10 families helped during covid pandemic out of 6
166 %
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0 sponsored child out of 3
0 %
14 families helped during covid pandemic out of 12
116 %
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3 families helped during covid pandemic out of 2
150 %
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8 families helped during covid pandemic out of 2
400 %
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5 families helped during covid pandemic out of 5
100 %
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0 families helped during covid pandemic out of 40
0 %
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13 families helped during covid pandemic out of 3
433 %
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1 families helped during covid pandemic out of 2
50 %
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5 families helped during covid pandemic out of 2
250 %
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4 families helped during covid pandemic out of 2
200 %

Ralf und Heike

1 families helped during covid pandemic out of 1
100 %
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0 sponsored child out of 1
0 %
14 families helped during covid pandemic out of 10
140 %
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18 families helped during covid pandemic out of 10
180 %
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12 families helped during covid pandemic out of 10
120 %
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0 sponsored child out of 3
0 %
2 families helped during covid pandemic out of 2
100 %
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3 families helped during covid pandemic out of 1
300 %
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0 sponsored child out of 2
0 %
0 families helped during covid pandemic out of 2
0 %
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3 families helped during covid pandemic out of 2
150 %
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4 families helped during covid pandemic out of 3
133 %
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0 sponsored child out of 3
0 %
1 families helped during covid pandemic out of 40
2 %
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1 families helped during covid pandemic out of 2
50 %
helping families during covid pandemic

To meet the significant costs of this pandemic, our 8,600 partner churches need your support. Every donation, large or small, saves lives and will enable us to provide effective and committed support to sponsored children and their families.

Sponsor children

For 42 francs a month, you're opening the way out of poverty for a child. Sponsorship ensures that the child is known, loved and protected. In particular, it gives the child access to schooling, tutoring, regular balanced meals, medical care and training in the spiritual field, hygiene, etc. Every week, the child participates in the activities of one of the project center of the 8,000 local churches that are partners of Compassion. They allow him or her to discover and develop his or her talents.