Compassion Virtual Run 2020

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5 sponsored children out of 8
62 %
118 families helped during covid pandemic out of 85
138 %

project has ended

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Why do I engage in this project

Mehrere Mitarbeitende von Compassion ziehen ihre Turnschuhe an. Sie nehmen am "Compassion Virtual Run" teil, um einigen der bedürftigsten Familien zu helfen, die am stärksten von der Covid-19-Krise betroffen sind.

Bisher nehmen teil: Rose-Marie, Sarah, Joana, Olivier, David und Christian
Plusieurs collaborateurs de Compassion enfilent leurs baskets. Ils participent au Compassion Virtual Run afin de venir en aide aux familles parmi les plus vulnérables, touchées de plein fouet par la crise Covid-19.

Ils participent: Rose-Marie, Sarah, Joana, Olivier, David et Christian
Sono diversi i collaboratori di Compassion che hanno deciso di indossare le scarpe da ginnastica e mettersi in gioco partecipando alla #compassionvirtualrun.

Ad oggi: Rose Marie, Sarah e Joana del dipartimento SDS, Olivier social media, David dipartimento IT e Christian il nostro direttore! Lo scopo è sempre è solo uno: aiutare alcune delle famiglie più bisognose e più colpite dalla crisi di Covid 19.

Impact so far

Impact image 1 family helped during covid pandemic by Loredana 4 years ago
Impact image Diamileth was sponsored by Marlies 4 years ago
Impact image 5 families helped during covid pandemic by Hedwig 4 years ago
Impact image 10 families helped during covid pandemic by Daniel et Nelly 4 years ago
Impact image 5 families helped during covid pandemic by Prisca 4 years ago
Impact image 12 families helped during covid pandemic by 4 years ago
Impact image 1 family helped during covid pandemic by Susanna 4 years ago
Impact image Theo supported this project 4 years ago
Impact image 2 families helped during covid pandemic by Sibylle 4 years ago
Impact image 5 families helped during covid pandemic by Andrée 4 years ago
Impact image 10 families helped during covid pandemic by Jean-Luc 4 years ago
Impact image 3 families helped during covid pandemic by Cédric et Sandrine 4 years ago
Impact image Natanael was sponsored by Andrée 4 years ago
Impact image Chelsea was sponsored by Andrée 4 years ago
Impact image Filomena was sponsored by Andrée 4 years ago
Impact image 2 families helped during covid pandemic by Calum 4 years ago
Impact image 2 families helped during covid pandemic by Isabelle 4 years ago
Impact image Brenda was sponsored by Kathia 4 years ago
Impact image 1 family helped during covid pandemic by Marjorie 4 years ago
Impact image 3 families helped during covid pandemic by Rachel 4 years ago
Impact image 1 family helped during covid pandemic by Myriam et David 4 years ago
Impact image 1 family helped during covid pandemic by Rebecca 4 years ago
Impact image 5 families helped during covid pandemic by Didier et Mary 4 years ago
Impact image 1 family helped during covid pandemic by Joana 4 years ago
Impact image Matthew supported this project 4 years ago
Impact image 7 families helped during covid pandemic by Liliane 4 years ago
Impact image 5 families helped during covid pandemic by Laurent 4 years ago
Impact image 5 families helped during covid pandemic by Sibylle 4 years ago
Impact image 5 families helped during covid pandemic by Sibylle 4 years ago
Impact image 5 families helped during covid pandemic by Dan et Carine 4 years ago
Impact image 3 families helped during covid pandemic by Anne-Claude 4 years ago
Impact image 3 families helped during covid pandemic by Jean-François et Claudine 4 years ago
Impact image 5 families helped during covid pandemic by David et Adrienne 4 years ago
Impact image 2 families helped during covid pandemic by Christian 4 years ago
Impact image 1 family helped during covid pandemic by Liliana 4 years ago
Impact image 1 family helped during covid pandemic by Janine 4 years ago
Impact image Olivier supported this project 4 years ago