Frequently Asked Questions

Your donation will be used for the selected fund, and we guarantee its rigorous management. We are committed to investing 80 to 100% of donations for the benefit of children. You will find all the information in our annual report.
Compassion is an organisation recognised as being of public utility. In all Swiss cantons, donations made to Compassion can be tax-deductible. In January, Compassion will send you a donation certificate.
Of course you can. Just send us an email to and we will send you the necessary material by post.
First thing: We celebrate! Second thing: your project can continue to exist and thus collect more donations and find other sponsors for the children. It remains visible on the platform to inspire future project creators.
It doesn't matter: we celebrate! All donations will be allocated to the chosen fund, just as the children can look forward to finding a sponsor.
Compassion Switzerland takes data protection seriously. Compassion Switzerland does not share your personal data with any third parties and does not use it for any other purpose than for internal communication. Compassion has its own database and manages its own contacts.
If you have any further questions, you can simply write an email to