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69 months per youth out of 69
100 %

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About the project

Kinder brauchen eine sichere Zukunft!
Um ihnen diese zu ermöglichen, brauchen Kinder eine fundierte Grundausbildung. Mit unserem Projekt möchten wir Menschen in unserem Umfeld darauf aufmerksam machen.

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Impact so far

Impact image 69 months per youth by Stephan 3 years ago
supporting vocational youth apprenticeship

Increasing youth unemployment is a fundamental challenge in Rwanda, with young women particularly affected. Access to quality Vocational Training is essential for poverty reduction. The aim is to provide young people with Vocational Training in local companies. This enables them to subsequently find a good job as skilled workers or to start their own business and leave a lasting impact on their family and their community. 1 month of vocational training for a young person = CHF 18