Ensemble à Morat-Fribourg

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0 sponsored child out of 6
0 %
9 mothers and babies supported out of 75
12 %
2 months to go
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About the project

Le 6 octobre prochain, aura lieu la 90 ème édition course de Morat-Fribourg. Nous sommes une petite équipe et désirons profiter de nos capacités sportives en courant ou marchant pour soutenir les enfants vivant dans l'extrême pauvreté. Chacun de nos pas aura un sens particulier, celui de faire la différence de manière concrète et d'insuffler l'espoir dans des situations où les perspectives d'avenir sont moindres et les rêves oubliés. Merci d'avance pour votre soutien dans ce défi ! Vous pouvez également venir nous encourager sur place !

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Impact so far

Impact image 1 mother and baby supported by Cindy 2 days ago
Impact image 1 mother and baby supported by Anonymous 3 days ago
Impact image 1 mother and baby supported by Anonymous 3 days ago
Impact image 1 mother and baby supported by Jacqueline 1 week ago
Impact image 1 mother and baby supported by Kathia 1 week ago
Impact image 1 mother and baby supported by Kathia 1 week ago
Impact image 1 mother and baby supported by Anonymous 2 weeks ago
Impact image 1 mother and baby supported by Raymond 2 weeks ago
Impact image Rachel supported this project 2 weeks ago
Impact image Olivier supported this project 2 weeks ago
Impact image Olivier supported this project 3 weeks ago
Impact image Rachel supported this project 3 weeks ago


Participant image


0 sponsored child out of 3
0 %
1 mothers and babies supported out of 40
2 %
Participant image


0 sponsored child out of 1
0 %
0 mothers and babies supported out of 20
0 %
Participant image


0 sponsored child out of 2
0 %
7 mothers and babies supported out of 15
46 %
supporting mothers and babies

The Child Survival Program is designed to support pregnant women and their newborns. This fund helps to take care of their health, economic and social needs.

Sponsor children

For 42 francs a month, you're opening the way out of poverty for a child. Sponsorship ensures that the child is known, loved and protected. In particular, it gives the child access to schooling, tutoring, regular balanced meals, medical care and training in the spiritual field, hygiene, etc. Every week, the child participates in the activities of one of the project center of the 8,000 local churches that are partners of Compassion. They allow him or her to discover and develop his or her talents.