Compassion Virtual Run 2021

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Support Kathia

0 sponsored child out of 1
0 %
14 mothers and babies supported out of 20
70 %

project has ended

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Why do I engage in this project

Parce que nous avons la chance de posséder tout ce dont nous avons besoin… Parce que beaucoup n’ont pas ce privilège… Parce que ensemble nous sommes plus forts… Je participe au Compassion Virtual Run pour soutenir les plus démunis.

Impact so far

Impact image 4 mothers and babies supported by Kathia 3 years ago
Impact image Marylène supported this project 3 years ago
Impact image Edith supported this project 3 years ago
Impact image 1 mother and baby supported by John 3 years ago
Impact image 3 mothers and babies supported by Creajardin 3 years ago
Impact image 1 mother and baby supported by Katia 3 years ago
Impact image 3 mothers and babies supported by Christian 3 years ago